Stories by Gary Ng

iPhone 5 to Have A5, 8MP Camera plus ‘Slight Modifications’ [Rumour]

New iPhone 5 rumours have surfaced, this time via analyst Ming-Chi Kuo from Concord Securities. According to Kuo's supply chain sources, the next iPhone will not be redesigned but instead have 'slight modifications' compared to the iPhone 4. Specific new features noted by Kuo indicate the A5 processor (presently in the iPad 2) and an...

SBSettings Updated to V3.3.1: Brings New Features and Bug Fixes

SBSettings, the quintessential tweak that's a must-have for any jailbroken iPhone user, has just received a substantial v3.3 update thanks to BigBoss. What is SBSettings? It's the fastest way to toggle settings on your iPhone. Slide your finger along the top of your iPhone, and you'll quickly be able to toggle WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G, change...

When Will the Square Credit Card Reader Come to Apple Canada?

The Square Credit Card Reader is an ingenious little device that allows your iPhone or iPad to accept credit card transactions on the go. The service is simple as deposits go to your bank account with only a 2.75% fee per swipe. This credit card reader is now available from the US Apple Online Store,...

Apple: Welcome to the Apple Support Communities

The Apple Discussion Forums have long been a resource for users of any Apple product. These forums have now been re-branded as the Apple Support Communities. What's the difference compared to before? The revamp makes it easier for you to sign up and ask questions. The layout makes it easier to navigate and search for...

Adobe Finally Brings HTTP Live Streaming to iOS

Adobe gave a demo of HTTP Live Streaming, a protocol created by Apple, at the 2011 National Association of Broadcasters trade show. This new video capability is an addition to its Flash Media Server, which will now give support to iOS devices. We all remember Steve Jobs and his position on Adobe's Flash. It appears...

It Gets Better Project Video Submission by Apple Employees

It Gets Better Project: Many LGBT youth can't picture what their lives might be like as openly gay adults. They can't imagine a future for themselves. So let's show them what our lives are like, let's show them what the future may hold in store for them. Apple employees have submitted their It Gets Better...

Facebook for iPhone Gets New Like/Comment Icons via Mobile Facebook Feed

I've noticed a few changes to the Facebook iPhone app lately, and there hasn't been a recent update to make these changes occur. In particular, when tapping the "+" icon on the home newsfeed, new Like/Comment icons emerged. Also, when tapping on Comment, you would see the ability to 'Like' individual comments. Strange, right? Well,...

WhatsApp Updated: Network Tweaks, High Res Wallpaper and New Media Viewer

One of my all time favourite cross-platform messaging apps is WhatsApp, which just received an update. The previous major update brought the much anticipated group chat feature. Today's version 2.6.3 brings the following changes: - VoiceOver Accessability fixes - Network protocol optimizations - New high resolution wallpaper in WhatsApp > Settings > Chat Settings >...

Comex: iOS 4.3.2 Still Vulnerable to i0n1c’s Untether Exploit?

With the release of iOS 4.3.2 today by Apple, all jailbreakers should avoid this update. It has been tested that a tethered jailbreak is available for iOS 4.3.2. The latest news from iPhone hacker Comex is that iOS 4.3.2 is still vulnerable to i0n1c's untether exploit. What does this mean? It means that updated jailbreak...

50 Cent Loves Mutes Us via His Uber50 Theme

Update 1: Thanks to @theafricannerd for the update, who actually shot the video and did the muting. Brilliant! Fans of span across Canada and the world. Our latest fan comes from rapper 50 Cent, who gave us a 'shout out' with his latest collaboration with UberSocial. The new Uber50 theme is available for Blackberrys...

Tweetbot Review: A Fresh, Worthy iPhone Twitter Client

Update 1: Tweetbot has been updated with Push, and other various improvements. The evolution of iPhone twitter clients continues, and the latest to hit the App Store is Tweetbot. From the makers of Tapbot, this new twitter client has quickly gained popularity due to its fresh intuitive design and interface. Compared to the official twitter...