Fido, Virgin and Koodo Promo Offers $50/4GB, $60/7GB BYOD Plans

Canada’s Big 3 wireless carriers are seemingly making moves in unison again, as Fido, Virgin and Koodo all have 2GB data bonus promotions right now.

Here’s what’s available for BYOD plans with 500 Canada-wide minutes, unlimited global SMS/MMS and the usual extras like caller ID, voicemail and more. Data overages are billed at $10/100MB, or $100/1GB:

  • $50/4GB (2GB + 2GB)
  • $60/7GB (5GB + 2GB)

Virgin $50 4gb

Virgin $60 7GB

Virgin mobile $50 4gb

Fido $50 4gb real

If you want unlimited Canada-wide minutes, add $5 more per month to the plans above.

Let us know if you’ll be switching your plan to any of these offerings above. Earlier, we noted how Fido, Virgin and Koodo are also offering new promotional plans in Quebec to match Videotron.

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