How iPhone 14 Pro Helps Make Prosthetic Legs for Dogs [VIDEO]

iphone 14 pro dog

In a heartwarming story shared by Apple titled, “The Invincibles”, Lydia recounts her journey with Trip, a dog she met when he was just four months old. The first time Lydia laid eyes on Trip, she instantly fell in love with him.

However, Trip’s life had a rocky start. He was brought to a veterinary hospital with the consideration of euthanasia due to his deformities. Making a life-changing decision, Lydia and the vets decided to amputate Trip’s leg to improve his quality of life. Although Lydia wasn’t initially prepared to adopt Trip, their bond was undeniable. “He needed a person, and I needed him,” Lydia said.

The video also introduces Alex, co-founder of 3DPets, who explains the intricate process of building a pet prosthetic. Utilizing the advanced LiDAR Scanner and TrueDepth camera on the iPhone 14 Pro, they scan and create detailed 3D models of the pets they assist. These scans are pivotal in designing the ideal prosthetic tailored to each animal–and it’s possible with an iPhone 14 Pro.

Lydia emphasizes that many might pity Trip for his missing leg, but in reality, Trip sees himself as any other dog. He is full of zest and cherishes every moment of his life. “He just loves life,” Lydia says with a smile.

The video concludes with Lydia’s touching sentiment, “In the end, it’s so rewarding getting to see him be a dog, live his life, and just love it. I would rescue him over and over again.”

Check out the video below:

YouTube video

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