LinkedIn Launches Games, Because Why Not

Linkedin games

The social network for working professionals to flex their accomplishments to current and former colleagues, LinkedIn, is launching games designed to bring connections and encourage learning, essentially allowing its users to take a break during the day.

Daniel Roth, editor-in-chief and VP at LinkedIn, announced on Thursday that the platform would integrate games into the social media network’s experience, beginning with “Crossclimb,” “Pinpoint,” and “Queens.”

These games are available in the News module on users’ LinkedIn homepages or the MyNetwork tab. Players can engage in these games daily, compare scores with connections, and participate in leaderboards.

The LinkedIn News team, led by Games Editor Paolo Pasco, the recent Annual American Crossword Puzzle Tournament winner, will offer daily discussions about the games. They also plan to deliver weekly updates and gameplay analysis through a new newsletter, keeping the community engaged and informed.

YouTube video

Okay, these games are a bit too complex for our brains, but if you’re looking for another distraction at work, these might be worth checking out (reminder: going on LinkedIn is not considered work).

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