
Canada Apple Store iPhones Will Be Sold Unlocked

What a crazy week! First Telus announces the iPhone, followed shortly by Bell. Then we reported about the new plans coming out and for all the latest price plan information, you can check out this consolidated post here. With four carriers supporting the iPhone in Canada, there is now more choice than ever in terms...

Update: Rogers November Voice and Data Plans for iPhone 3G/3GS

Below you find the latest Rogers Wireless plans for iPhone 3G/3GS for November 2009 . The information below will not include the specifically labeled "iPhone 3G plans" from Rogers that cost $65 and $80 per month. They can however still be used. Please note that these plans will be reflective of Rogers Wireless and there...

Network Coverage Maps; Bell vs Telus vs Fido vs Rogers

With the upcoming iPhone release from both Telus and Bell, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the network coverage provided by all the carriers in Canada. As many know, Telus and Bell are launching HSPA+ networks, a complete departure from their existing CDMA networks. The new network technology also puts...

Rogers To Release New iPhone Plan To Combat Telus/Bell

With the recently released Bell and Telus iPhone plans, we have received yet another anonymous tip that Rogers will be introducing a new price plan to combat the new offers coming from Bell and Telus. The offer from Rogers includes daytime minutes, evening/weekend minutes and additional bonuses/promos. The plan, like the other available Rogers plans,...

TELUS iPhone Coming November 5

As both TELUS and Bell Canada have now announced that they plan to bring their own 21 Mbps HSPA+ network to Canada in November, both companies have finally announced that the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS will also be making their debut on TELUS and Bell. Bell announced the availability of the iPhone 3G and...

3.1.2 Firmware Update Removes Rogers/Fido Tethering?

Just a few days ago I finally had the time to update my iPhone 3GS to 3.1.2 firmware via PwnageTool 3.1.4. Why didn't I just click 'Update' within iTunes? Well, that's because I want my modem firmware to remain fully unlockable. By restoring with a custom 3.1.2 firmware via PwnageTool, I can still unlock my...

Will Rogers Allow Skype Over Data Network like AT&T?

Happy Thanksgiving to every single one of our readers out there--hope you enjoy your day and take some time to think about what you're thankful for (aside from the iPhone). How many of you out there are avid Skype users? You were probably excited to hear about Skype launching for the iPhone--except for Canada. Well,...

CONFIRMED: Bell and Telus To Launch iPhone 3G/3GS In Canada!

After announcing the launch of the new HSPA+ network from Bell and Telus and the rumored launch of the iPhone in November, Bell and Telus have now officially confirmed that the iPhone 3G/3GS will be available in November 2009. Bell and Telus, through a joint collaboration, have completed their HSPA+ network earlier than scheduled and...

Update: Rogers October Voice and Data Plans for iPhone 3G/3GS

Below you find the latest Rogers Wireless plans for iPhone 3G/3GS for October 2009 . The information below will not include the specifically labeled "iPhone 3G plans" from Rogers that cost $60 and $75 per month. They can however still be used. Please note that these plans will be reflective of Rogers Wireless and there...

BREAKING: Telus and Bell to Launch iPhone in November!

Hell has frozen over! If an article at the Globe & Mail is to be believed (and how can you not believe it?!), the iPhone is coming to Telus and Bell as early as November 2009! It would seem that in November Telus and Bell will have their GSM network up and running that they...

Bell to Launch HSPA+ Network in November

Bell, followed soon by Telus, will be launching their HSPA+ network in November. The new network is announced well ahead of schedule and is part of a collaboration with Telus. The new Bell network will have speeds up of to 21Mbps, rivaling current HSPA+ provider Rogers Wireless. On the launch of the network in November,...

Rogers Updates Cancellation Policy for Data-Only Accounts

It was a little quiet there for a while, but Rogers is BACK on the road to [insert word] their customers! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Effective October 5 2009, Rogers Wireless customers, both new and existing, that have Data-Only accounts will be subject to an ECF (Early Cancellation...