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This Concept Features A Thin 4-Inch iPod Touch [PHOTOS]

While the New iPhone is taking the spotlight of a majority of the rumours these days, we rarely ever hear about the next-gen iPod lineup. So today we are going to share with you some concept images of the fifth generation iPod touch. These are by designer Guilherme Schasiepen, who also designed an iPhone 4S concept...

Jonathan Ive Buys A $25 Million House On San Francisco’s Gold Coast

Apple's senior vice president of industrial design Jonathan Ive a.k.a Jony Ive, who is widely credited for his unique industrial designs of the iPod and iPhone, has reportedly purchased a $25 million house on one of San Francisco's most exclusive blocks (via WSJ). According to people familiar with the deal, Jony, who has been living in San Francisco with...

Google Releases YouTube iOS App for Download [Update]

Apple has been slowly distancing itself from Google integration within iOS. Back in early August, iOS 6 Beta 4 revealed the native YouTube app was set to disappear, and subsequently Google was set to introduce a native YouTube iOS app. Well, that day has arrived. YouTube for iPhone has finally hit the App Store: Watch the...

Foxconn’s August Revenues Decline, Upcoming iPhone 5 Launch Reportedly to Blame

According to a report by Digitimes, Foxconn, the maker of Apple's iPhone and iPad, announced their consolidated revenues for August ($7.5 billion USD), but experienced a drop of 10.6 percent for the month. The reason for the August decline? According to "market watchers" the drop is related to a "major client transitioning its existing smartphone...
Could this be the new iPhone 5 dock connector?

iPhone 5 Rumour Roundup: What to Expect on Wednesday

The iPhone event is knocking on our doorstep as Wednesday at 10:00 AM Tim Cook will take the stage at the Yerba Buena Center. With the amount of leaks and rumours throughout the past few months, we have constructed an iPhone 5 rumour roundup. Sit back, grab some popcorn, and read on for the details....

Apple Enhances & Adds More Web Apps To Its iCloud Website

Apple is actively working to enhance their iCloud Beta website as today they've added and upgraded five web-based applications. We have the Mail, Calendar, Notes, Reminders, and Find My iPhone web-apps all receiving minor upgrades. We previewed a few of the upgrades back during July, if you remember. This is simply an overview of the features...
Rumoured iPhone 5 backplate appearance

Economist: iPhone 5 Sales Could Add $3.2 Billion to the U.S. Economy

Marketwatch reports the upcoming iPhone 5 could be worth up to $3.2 billion dollars to the U.S. economy in the Q4 period, according to J.P. Morgan economist Michael Feroli. He predicts 8 million iPhones sold in the fourth quarter, and with an assumed price of $600 per device plus $200 worth of imported goods per...