Sign Up Here for the Microsoft Class-Action Settlement Worth $517 Million

According to CBC News, Canadians can benefit from Microsoft’s $517 million class-action settlement without needing any receipts, as the money owed covers virtually every non-Apple personal computer purchased since 1998.

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The settlement, which amounts to an estimated $400 million for consumers after legal fees and expenses are deducted, allows consumers in Canada to claim up to $250 for their Microsoft PC software, such as Windows, Office, Word, Excel or MS-DOS, purchased between Dec. 23, 1998 and March 11, 2010 without providing any proof of purchase.

To sign up for what is one of Canada’s largest class-action settlements, you simply need to visit this link and file a claim.

Since the application period opened on Nov. 23, more than 100,000 people in Canada have filed claims. At one point, the website crashed due to overwhelming demand.

“We did our best to make it really simple,” said Naomi Kovak, a Vancouver lawyer with Camp Fiorante Matthews Morgerman LLP, one of the firms administering the settlement stemming from a lawsuit alleging anti-competitive behaviour against Microsoft.

“That’s in recognition that not very many people are going to have proof of purchase going back to products they purchased in 1998,” Kovak said.

The application will require your email, mailing address and phone number. You’ll need to fill out claims for either a PC purchased with Windows or standalone Microsoft office productivity software such as Excel or Word.

Applicants must also submit a sworn declaration that the claim is accurate. For individuals with a claim of more than $250, proof of purchase is required for any amount over that figure.

Canadians have until Sept. 23, 2021, to file a claim.

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