Tile Trackers Get New Anti-Theft Mode

Tile has just launched a new Anti-Theft Mode for its Bluetooth trackers, which protects valuables from theft by creating a barrier to being detected.


Trackers in Anti-Theft Mode are undetectable by Scan and Secure, an in-app feature that allows iOS and Android users to detect nearby Tiles and Tile-enabled devices.

Anti-Theft Mode also makes it easier to recover stolen valuables by making it harder for thieves to know an item is being tracked.

Tile users can activate Anti-Theft Mode on any Tile tracker in use now, including Tile-enabled partner products.

Unlike Apple’s AirTags, Tile does not notify nearby smartphone users when an unknown Bluetooth tracker is traveling with them.

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While the feature is designed to prevent stalking, studies show this anti-stalking measure is insufficient and instead makes Bluetooth trackers easily identifiable.

“Anti-Theft Mode is the only solution in the Bluetooth finding category designed to make it harder for thieves to get away with valuables,” said Tile co-founder Chris Hulls.

“We know that families don’t have time to misplace their items and certainly don’t have the time or money to replace belongings when they get stolen.”

The choice to make their devices invisible to Scan and Secure if they wish, and sleep a little easier at night knowing Tile “is doing everything we can to protect their valuables,” Hulls added.

“Location sharing and finding have become a part of our daily fabric, and it’s not going anywhere. We develop products for the vast majority of people who use them as intended, and for those who do not, we are committed to cooperating fully with law enforcement,” said Hulls.

To activate Anti-Theft Mode, users must submit and apply for an advanced ID verification process that includes a biometric scan to accurately detect fake IDs.

Once ID verification is complete, the user will be registered with Tile, and Anti-Theft Mode will be activated across all of the user’s Tile Bluetooth trackers.

Anti-Theft Mode will begin rolling out to Tile users today and be available to all users in the coming weeks.

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