iPhone 15 Pro Max Showcased in Paris Photography Exhibition

Apple photography paris

The upcoming photography exhibition “I Remember You,” set to open in Paris on November 10, will feature a collection of works captured on the iPhone 15 Pro Max. This two-day event celebrates the fusion of photography and nostalgia through the lenses of renowned artists Malin Fezehai, Karl Hab, Vivien Liu, Mika Ninagawa, and Stefan Ruiz, explained Apple on Thursday.

The exhibition, curated by Isolde Brielmaier, Ph.D., will display images that encapsulate the essence of memory and the enduring nature of photographs. The artists have utilized the advanced camera system of the iPhone 15 Pro Max to capture intricate details and preserve fleeting moments, says Apple.

Each artist has shared insights into how the iPhone has revolutionized their creative process. Malin Fezehai, a New York-based photographer, appreciates the spontaneity the iPhone brings to her work, allowing her to document life’s transient moments with ease and clarity. Karl Hab, a Parisian photographer, likens shooting with the iPhone to an extension of his own capabilities, praising the device’s precision and the new perspectives afforded by the 5x lens. Essentially, photographers from around the world are putting the iPhone 15 Pro Max to the test.

The “I Remember You” exhibition will be open to the public at the Salon Corderie in Le Marais, Paris, on November 10 and 11, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The event not only showcases the artists’ personal reflections on memory and nostalgia but also demonstrates the powerful photographic capabilities of the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

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