Withings Unveils BeamO 4-in-1 At-Home Health Checkup Device at CES

Withings, a global leader in connected health technology, has revealed BeamO, a disruptive 4-in-1 health checkup handheld device at CES 2024.

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This groundbreaking handheld device, smaller than a smartphone, combines an ECG, oximeter, stethoscope, and thermometer to empower users for at-home health monitoring.

Eric Carreel, Withings’ Founder and President, emphasized BeamO’s transformative potential, envisioning it as a vital tool for monitoring core vitals regularly from home.

He highlighted its ability to offer an overview of overall health or detect potential areas of concern, allowing daily assessments rather than occasional clinical checkups.

Carreel emphasized the importance of BeamO in post-pandemic telemedicine, bridging the gap by providing remote health professionals with tools for routine checks that were previously only feasible in-person.

BeamO can conduct a comprehensive health check in under a minute. The device aims to alert users to fever, potential infections, and cardiovascular issues like atrial fibrillation (following FDA clearance).


Moreover, BeamO seamlessly syncs health data with the Withings app, allowing users to track and interpret their health readings, receive actionable advice, and share records with physicians and family members.

It also enables medication tracking, alerts, and dosage management, enhancing health monitoring and management.

Withings plans to retail BeamO at $249.95 in the U.S. after receiving FDA clearance for its ECG capability in June 2024. This CES Innovations Award Honoree will be demonstrated at CES 2024, showcasing its transformative role in at-home health monitoring.

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