Shazam Can Now Identify Music While Wearing Headphones

Shazam itunes

Apple has expanded the capabilities of its Shazam app, enabling users to identify music through both wired and Bluetooth headphones (obviously your AirPods, Beats or AirPods Max for example).

The updated app from last week now allows music recognition from external sources and within applications such as TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. This feature is confirmed by the presence of a headphone icon in the app, indicating the connection to headphones.

For iPhone and iPad users, the process involves adding Music Recognition to the Control Center. Once added, users can tap the Music Recognition button in the Control Center to identify songs playing nearby or within apps. The identified songs will appear in a notification and are automatically saved in the Shazam app. Additionally, users have the option to save these songs to their Apple Music playlists or open them in Spotify.

Further functionality includes accessing more information about the song directly from the Control Center. By tapping the notification, users can view the song’s track screen in Shazam. A long press on the notification reveals the Shazam Music Recognition history, allowing users to explore past identified tracks. We gave this a try and it’s actually pretty neat.

For those without the Shazam app installed, tapping the notification will still display a Shazam track result, with an option to open the song in the Apple Music app.

Apple acknowledged it had acquired Shazam back in December 2017 and made it official in the fall of 2018.

Click here to download Shazam for iOS in the App Store.

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