B.C. Premier Slams Bell for Job Cuts, ‘Crapification’ of Local News

Earlier today Bell announced it was slashing 4,800 jobs as part of its biggest restructuring in 30 years, to go with selling off 45 radio stations, including numerous in B.C.

The job cuts will see CTV News Vancouver weekday noon and weekend 6pm and 11pm shows axed, as part of Bell Media downsizing.

The news of these job cuts did not sit well with B.C. Premier David Eby, who had harsh words for Bell, which he spoke about at an unrelated press conference in Coquitlam today.

“Corporations like Bell have overseen the assembly of local media assets that are treasures to local communities,” said Eby, according to the full statement shared by Rob Shaw from CHEK News in Victoria.

“They bought them up like corporate vampires they sucked the life out of them, laying off journalists, they have overseen the crapification of local news by laying off journalists, and now they say it’s no longer economically viable to run these local radio stations. It’s no longer economically viable to have investigative news,” he added. That’s the first time we’ve heard a Premier use the word “crapification”.

“They were allowed to do this. The impact on communities in British Columbia of their unrestrained corporate greed, they made almost $3 billion last year, is profound,” said Eby.

“The fact they cannot find it possible with all of their MBAs to operate a few local news stations in British Columbia to ensure people get accurate, impartial, reliable information in an age of disinformation and social media craziness is such an abandonment of any idea of corporate responsibility, I find it reprehensible. I think it’s appalling, and Bell and other companies like Bell that have done this need to be held accountable for the information atmosphere we find today,” said the B.C. Premier.

Eby also added, “I just want to say shame on you,” noting the federal government needs to “stop this assembly of media properties” and closing of local news outlets.

By the time you see the news on TV and even radio (or read a newspaper for that matter), it’s already old. Especially if you’re following events happening in real-time on social media, including platforms like X. The old legacy news model is dying as people are now able to get the news directly from the source.

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