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ScoreMobile iPhone App Updated with Horizontal Stats Viewer and More

By far one of the best sports tracking apps on the iPhone is ScoreMobile, launched in 2008. Last November the app received cool gesture-based updates, and today some more features have arrived. The 3.2 update and it brings new features such as a horizontal stats viewer, full team schedules for all leagues, and the addition...

Everpix iPhone App Now Available to Unify your Photos to the Cloud

The Everpix iPhone app has been released in the App Store. This app lets you essentially store all of your pictures automatically into their cloud storage from your Camera Roll, Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and more. The iPhone app is the companion app to the original Mac-only application (Windows version coming soon). Everpix wants to solve...

Tim Cook Details Apple’s Philanthropy at Town Hall

It's easy to be envious of Tim Cook and why not? He's  clearly making some bank. At the same time though, he has a difficult path ahead of him. He must mould Apple in his own vision without straying too far from the path the organization was on when Steve Jobs handed over the CEO...

Apple Responds to Allegations of iMessage ‘Bug’–The Genius Was at Fault

Yesterday Gizmodo posted a story that claimed iMessage suffered a major bug, and allowed them to 'spy' on a total stranger. They posted images, text messages and other revealing information about the individual, an Apple Genius. What happened was the Genius plugged his SIM card into that of a customer's phone to troubleshoot a problem....

How to Fix White Icons Bug from Absinthe Jailbreak

If you've jailbroken your iPhone 4S with the Absinthe jailbreak, you might have run into the issue of having white icons on your home screen. The apps that turn white work as normal, but appear blank on the surface. Here's how to fix this bug: Respring your iPhone via SBSettings (it worked to fix one...

iPhone 5 Launch At WWDC This Year? [Rumour]

According to Daiwa Securities via Commercial Times, Apple will be returning to its traditional iPhone announcement platform by unveiling its latest iPhone at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June this year. In addition, the iPhone 5 will apparently carry on using glass to glass touch panel technology with current suppliers TPK Holding and...