Apple to Teach Kids Coding Through a Sesame Street-Themed TV show

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As Apple unveiled its new Apple TV+ original video subscription service earlier today, it also introduced an upcoming Sesame Street-themed TV show that will focus on teaching kids coding basics.

“Coding fosters collaboration, critical thinking skills, and is an essential language that every child can learn”, according to Apple.

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“By teaching preschoolers about coding, we’re giving them the opportunity to change the world!”, said Cody on stage, a muppet who has learned to speak in PR soundbites. The show will also have “cool music” and “funky dance moves,” the muppet added (via TechCrunch):

Apple, of course, directly benefits by helping inspire the next generation of coders, as its ecosystem of apps – and the billions of dollars they generate– are built by millions of third-party developers. For Apple to retain a dominant position in the app industry, it needs to continue to build out its pipeline of new coders.

Since Apple did not show any trailer for the series, it remains unclear how the coding tutorials will be presented to kids.

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