Sales Numbers for Podcast App Overcast in 2014

Marco Arment has published a blog post detailing the money his podcast app Overcast made in 2014. The developer and writer says that he released this information about his app because he feels that independent app developers could use more information on this subject.

“I’ve decided that the potential educational and market-research benefits to others of adding Overcast to the mix [of other developers who have released this information] will be greater than the risk of people thinking I’m an asshole for doing so. I hope this is helpful to anyone researching the indie iOS market or thinking about entering it.”

The biggest takeaway from his post is that Overcast appears to have reached a sustainable level. Every app has the initial cycle that sees large download numbers, however, not every app is able to keep a steady number of downloads.


Here is a look at Overcast’s sales numbers for 2014:

For calendar year 2014:

– 318,996 total downloads. Approximately 200,000 launched the app and got far enough to create an account.

– 46,940 in-app purchases (14.7%).

– $164,134 total revenue after Apple’s 30%1 but before any taxes or expenses.2

– $85,715 received in the first month alone.

Per month, excluding the launch month (since it’s an extreme outlier):

– 27,952 average monthly downloads.

-4,569 average monthly in-app purchases (16.3%).

– $15,684 average monthly revenue.

Overcast appears to have had the big initial spike in downloads, but it has continued to maintain a decent level of revenue. It seems as though Arment can sustain himself and make a good living off the revenue from Overcast (at least for the short term).

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