iPhone 15 Action Mode vs GoPro Hero 12 Black [VIDEO]

iphone 15 vs gopro hero 12

DC Rainmaker has shared a detailed comparison between the camera capabilities of the new iPhone 15 and the new GoPro Hero 12 Black.

Apple’s new ‘Action Mode’ feature was highlighted in the iPhone 15, which promises gimbal-like stabilization for action scenes. Ray states, “iPhone 15 has an entirely new Advanced Camera system,” and adds, “This is Action Mode. It uses the full sensor.”

The video tests both cameras in various scenarios, including walking, running, and even mountain biking. It was observed that enabling ‘Action Mode’ on the iPhone 15 reduces the resolution to 2.8K and crops the image slightly. In contrast, the GoPro Hero 12 Black offers wider field of view options.

Stabilization was a key focus of the comparison. Both cameras performed well, but the GoPro seemed to offer a slightly wider image. DC Rainmaker says, “stabilization wise it’s generally pretty good on both of them, not too many complaints here.”

The video also dives into more adventurous tests, including slow-motion cannonball jumps into water and even attaching the devices to a drone. Both cameras were found to be water-resistant, but Ray recommends rinsing them after exposure to salt or freshwater.

In terms of audio quality, both devices were tested while cruising at about 20 miles per hour. The GoPro was noted for its wider field of view, especially when compared to the iPhone 15 in its widest possible setting.

The iPhone 15 Action Mode with the new low light setting was also tested against the GoPro. The iPhone 15 picks up way more light at night against the latter.

The channel concludes that both cameras have their pros and cons, stating, “in the case of the iPhone, it’s probably going to be in your pocket all the time. The GoPro is going to have a wider field of view and generally probably better stabilization overall.”

Check out the full video comparison below:

YouTube video

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