SaskTel Launches 5G in Lloydminster and Meadow Lake

Sasktel 5g lloydminster

SaskTel on Friday launched its 5G network in Lloydminster and Meadow Lake, enhancing connectivity across Saskatchewan.

As of now, SaskTel’s 5G network is partially available in Lloydminster and fully operational throughout Meadow Lake. The crown corporation aims to complete the 5G deployment in Lloydminster by the end of 2023.

“Over the next five years, SaskTel will invest more than $1.6 billion in its networks and operations across Saskatchewan to remain one of the most well-connected provinces in the country,” said Colleen Young, MLA for Lloydminster, in a statement.

“With our 5G network, customers in Meadow Lake and on the Saskatchewan side of Lloydminster will have unparalleled connectivity to embrace the digital economy’s opportunities,” said Charlene Gavel, President and CEO of SaskTel.

The City of Lloydminster Mayor, Gerald Aalbers, noted the importance of enhanced communication technology for the bi-provincial community’s social and economic interconnectivity.

SaskTel’s 5G network currently offers data speeds of up to 1.2 Gbps, with expectations of significantly faster speeds as the network matures. To get access to 5G on SaskTel, you need a compatible 5G device and wireless plan.

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