Fido, Freedom Launch $34/50GB Plans to Match Koodo

fido freedom 34 50gb plans

First Koodo flips the script on its $34/month plan to increase 40GB data to 50GB, and now rivals have woken up to match.

Fido and Freedom Mobile have just edited their Black Friday plans to note their $34 plans now include 50GB of data. Fido’s data is at 4G LTE speeds, while Freedom Mobile’s plan remains at 5G.

The $34/50GB plan is for bring your own device customers after automatic payments discounts, while Freedom says theirs includes a $5/month credit for 24 months. Both promos end on November 27, 2023.

As of writing, Virgin Mobile has yet to match the $34/50GB plan, but should shortly.

Also, it’s worth noting Koodo kiosks and dealers are also offering a $29/30GB plan. This is not available online. Time to actually leave the house and talk to other people (and waste time waiting) if you’re willing to save $5 and you’re okay with 30GB of data (it should be more than enough for the average user).

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