Xplore’s Next-Gen Satellite Internet is Now Available

Xplore satellite internet

Last summer, SpaceX launched the Hughes JUPITER 3 mission into low-Earth orbit, which was the world’s largest communications satellite.

Xplore will be leveraging the JUPITER 3 satellite to offer internet to its customers and as of today, this offering is now live.

“Hughes’ rocket scientists collaborated with Xplore’s technology wizards to unlock the full potential of the largest commercial communications satellite ever built,” said Xplore on Tuesday.

“Once the satellite entered its orbit and parking spot, we turned our attention to ensuring it has optimal signal strength to the areas across Canada where we will provide service. The satellite has to link with dishes on the ground from east to west, with tens of thousands of connections going on at the same time! To do this, we test and optimize the signal region by region. Our engineers can see and tweak to ensure the best possible signal quality. We’re happy to report that this work is done!”, said Xplore.

“What does this mean? Xplore now offers our fastest Satellite Internet service ever, bringing ultra-fast speeds up to 100 Mbps to Canadians in rural areas,” said Xplore. Customers can contact Xplore to get satellite internet today.

The Xplore satellite internet speeds can offer up to 100 Mbps, which is still pretty fast for those in rural areas that previously were dealing with pathetic speeds.

Of course, SpaceX does offer its own Starlink satellite internet, which offers global coverage and speeds that are more than double that of what Xplore is offering. Low-Earth orbit satellite internet can be more economical than digging and laying down fibre to remote areas.

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