
Update: April Voice and Data plans for iPhone 3G

Below you find the latest Rogers Wireless plans for iPhone 3G for April 2009. The information below will not include the specifically labeled "iPhone 3G plans" from Rogers that run $60 and $75 per month because when compared to the other plans, they do not offer a good enough value. Please note that these plans...

Next Gen iPhone Rumors: Weekend Roundup

There has been speculation that a new iPhone is imminent and will be unleashed this summer during Apple's 2009 WWDC. Whenever a new product is about to be released, rumors always float around the interwebs. This weekend encapsulated a plethora of interesting new features that iPhone OS 3.0 will have and what new features the...

Dev Team Confirms 3.0 Jailbreak, Warns Against Fakes

Recently Apple released a second beta version of 3.0 firmware to developers. This new release is much improved and fixes a lot of bugs from the original beta. Just what is the deal with jailbreaking OS 3.0? Well yesterday the iPhone Dev Team confirmed that 3.0 beta can indeed be jailbroken--again. The Dev Team goes...

BREAKING: Rogers Announces iPhone 4G with Lifetime Contracts

**EDIT** The following post was written as an April Fool's Day joke in 2009. The iPhone 4 is being released in Canada in "late July. Click here for more info. After the incredible success of the iPhone 3G sales, A saavy reader earlier this morning emailed me a press release announcing a new iPhone...

Skype for iPhone App Launches–EXCEPT IN CANADA!

Are you a Skype enthusiast? If you are, today is going to be a happy day, unless you're a Canadian iPhone user! We first experienced Skype on the iPhone via Fring, which was available only to jailbroken iPhones. Once the App Store launched, we ended up with the official Fring app, with another alternative called...

Increase your iPhone storage with Supersize Me and ZumoDrive

Ever found it a problem that your iPhone had 8GB or 16GB of storage? Ever needed more? Well today we have a storage iPhone application called "Supersize Me" which increases your iPhone storage capacity. Supersize Me - ZumoDrive Supersize Me is cloud storage which means it stores your chosen content on the Internet and is...

Scosche Double Review, Double Giveaway!

To start off with, I want to say sorry for my unintentional absence from iPhoneinCanada over the last few weeks, I had a sudden last-minute move on my hands, and now things have just settled down. I've got a large backlog of Apps and a few Accessories that I want to tell you guys about....

Buy Apple iPhone 3Gs Contract Free from US Apple Stores

When I first bought my first gen iPhone, it involved driving down to Alderwood Mall in Seattle, WA to visit the Apple Store. At the time, 1.1.1 firmware was JUST released. That didn't stop me from buying an 8GB iPhone and bringing it back to Canada for the tedious process of jailbreaking and unlocking. US...

How would you like your tea?

Tea connoisseurs, your worries are over! The Godfather of steeping has arrived.  Browsing through the Utilities category of the app store, I stumbled across Snappy Touch’s Tea Time!:  a jovial, simple application that delivers all it promises for just $0.99 (an appropriate price). Whether you’re looking for black, green, white, oolong or herbal (though technically...

New iPhone Coming at Apple WWDC 2009?

So yesterday Apple officially announced the dates for its annual Worldwide Developers Conference 2009. This massive conference that will allow developers to meet over 1000 Apple engineers at their disposal. When all these people gather in San Francisco for an Apple conference, special things might happen. Will Apple Make this the Best Summer "Ever" for...

Megan Esquivel: An Introduction

Greetings. I’m Megan Esquivel, English-lover extraordinaire (Twitter: lovelymegan). Inspired to take the whimsical road of the English major, and unsure exactly what it was I wanted to be doing, I’ve spent the last four years learning anything and everything about the English language. I began smooth sailing through the required English classes, where I worked... Has Partnered with!

How many of you out there are addicted to the Canadian deals site, (aka RFD)? If you've never been to RFD, you might not want to visit because the site is slightly evil. Why? Because RFD helps you save money by spending money on the hottest deals for things you don't really need. If...