Planetbeing: A5 Jailbreak is More Complex than Unlocking iPhone 4S Baseband

Planetbeing has tweeted for the first time in over 500 days, and he proudly proclaims the iPhone 4S jailbreak is out of the ‘sandbox’ thanks to help from Cydia founder, Saurik:

And we’re out of the sandbox with @saurik’s invaluable help! (well, at least there’s a PoC) 😀 Turning out more complex than X-Gold 618.

He mentions the sandbox is more complex than the X-Gold 618, a reference to the complex iPhone 4S/iPad 2 baseband he has previously tackled. Planetbeing has reaffirmed what @pod2g and @MuscleNerd told us yesterday–that progress has been made towards the release of the iPhone 4S untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1, but no ETA in sight.

Planetbeing is another example of Canadian talent when it comes to hacking (iH8sn0w also resides in Canada), as he made headlines in 2010 when he ported Android OS over to his first generation iPhone.

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