iphone dev team

Latest iTunes 9.0.3 is Safe for Jailbreakers/Unlockers

Just hours ago Apple released an update to iTunes, version 9.0.3. For those out there that are in the business of jailbreaking and unlocking their iPhones, you can rest assured that this latest version of iTunes is good to go. iTunes 9.0.3 provides a number of important bug fixes, including: iTunes no longer ignores your...

redsn0w 0.9 Final Download Available by Dev Team

It looks like the good 'ol iPhone Dev Team is back at work. They have just released the final build of redsn0w 0.9 and it's ready for download. We covered the previous release of redsn0w 0.9 beta 3 by MuscleNerd. With some feedback from the community they have now released the final build of redsn0w...

Geohot: Tell Everyone to Never Pay for Jailbreak/Unlock Tools

Geohot recently turned down a $10,000 offer to buy his 05.11.07 iPhone unlock. Why? Well, that's because iPhone jailbreak and unlock tools should always be free! There are a lot of evil people out there repackaging the hard work of the iPhone Dev Team and Geohot as their own, and selling it as a service....

PwnageTool 3.1.3 Available for Download!

Yesterday we wrote about 3.1 firmware for the iPhone 3GS being jailbroken! Well, in the span of one day the iPhone Dev Team has released PwnageTool 3.1.3 available for download! This will enable iPhone 3GS users to jailbreak 3.1 firmware--the wait is finally over! The iPhone Dev Team just announced on their blog that they...

iPhone 3GS: 3.1 Firmware Jailbroken By Dev Team!

We have some awesome new for all you iPhone 3GS users out there. As you may already know, 3.1 firmware for the iPhone 3GS has not been jailbroken yet. This has led to a test of patience for iPhone 3GS users who have resisted updating to 3.1 firmware (and staying on 3.0 or 3.0.1). 3.1...

PwnageTool 3.1 Download is Now Available!

If you've been waiting for the release of PwnageTool 3.1, you're in luck. The iPhone Dev Team released the updated version of PwnageTool this afternoon. PwnageTool allows you to create a custom firmware to restore your iPhone with, thus enabling you to keep older basebands (so your iPhone remains unlocked if you need it to...

Dev Team: Future Proof Your iPhone 3GS Jailbreak

Jailbreaking is a game of cat and mouse between Apple and enthusiasts like the iPhone Dev Team. With the latest 3.1 firmware update, things have gotten a bit complicated. Yesterday, the iPhone Dev Team reported on what you should do to "future proof" your iPhone 3GS jailbreak. Here's what the Dev Team had to say:...

iPhone 3GS 3.1 Firmware: Jailbreak Update

During last week's Apple iPod Event, Steve Jobs announced the release of iPhone OS 3.1 (or three-dot-one as called by Steve Jobs). This latest firmware brought a multitude of new features, including the ability to rearrange homescreens and icons using the new iTunes 9. What About iPhone 3GS Owners + 3.1 Firmware? However, if you're...

iPhone Dev Team App, now in Cydia

As you all know by now, Apple has released iPhone OS 3.0.1, to fix the SMS vulnerability issue. After this was released, jailbroken iPhone owners dug through the internets, to find out if they could update and re-jailbreak. News seem to pop up on Twitter, first, that redsn0w 0.8 could already jailbreak the new firmware....

Which iPhone 3G/3GS Unlock? ultrasn0w vs purplesn0w

For those who travel or live overseas with their iPhones, having an unlocked iPhone is extremely valuable. You can freely pop in any SIM card from any worldwide GSM carrier and avoid roaming charges with Rogers. Currently, our iPhones in Canada are locked to either Rogers or Fido. If you're not smart about it, your...

Wall Street Journal Lifts iPhone Hacker Veils

Ever since I laid my hands on the original first gen iPhone, I had to use various tools to activate/jailbreak/unlock my phone. It definitely requires some skills to reverse engineer and figure out ways to bypass Apple's lockdown on the iPhone. However this isn't that difficult if you're part of an elite team of "iPhone...

iPhone 3GS ultrasn0w Unlock Video Revealed!

The iPhone Dev Team late last night revealed something we didn't expect so soon--a video of the iPhone 3GS being unlocked via ultrasn0w! Here's what they had to say: Our ultrasn0w program uses the at+xlog crash as an injection vector of our unlocking payload — and it does so on the 3GS in exactly the...