Public Mobile Expands $50/40GB Canada-US Plan Beyond Quebec

Public mobile canada usa

Telus-owned Public Mobile is now offering its $50/40GB Canada-US plan beyond Quebec. This deal was first available only in Quebec in June. But now, people in BC, Alberta, Ontario, and other areas can also jump on this plan.

This plan is the same as the $50/40GB Canada-US roaming deal from Freedom Mobile, owned by Videotron. Rogers-owned Fido still offers the same deal but only in Quebec. Now, Public Mobile is sharing this previous Quebec-only plan beyond province, making for a decent U.S. roaming plan.

Videotron also has a $50/50GB Canada-US plan–but, it’s only for customers who have both internet and mobile services from the company. Public Mobile’s deal is a good choice for those who don’t want or can’t get Videotron’s offer.

With the $50/40GB plan from Public Mobile, customers get talk, text, and data services in all parts of Canada and the U.S. at 4G speeds. The plan also includes unlimited nationwide minutes across Canada and the U.S., and unlimited international SMS/MMS.

If you travel to the U.S. often and you’re a Public Mobile customer, this plan is highly recommended. Why? Because Public Mobile’s U.S. roaming options are only for 15 days, priced at $10/250MB, 1GB/$20 and $25/3GB, plus a bundle $40/3GB roaming plan with talk and data. The standalone data buckets can be stacked on top of the roaming bundle. This Canada/US plan with 40GB takes away the stress of worrying about buying your data before you depart or running out while on your U.S. vacation.

Customers can earn $2.50/month from Public Mobile’s points program. This offer is perfect for families planning to spend the summer in the U.S. or winter as well.

Before this deal, Public Mobile only had a $39/30GB deal for a 90-day subscription. This was available for people outside of Quebec and was ending on June 19, 2023.

Now, Public Mobile’s $50/40GB Canada-US plan could put more pressure on Fido to offer the same plan beyond Quebec. Bell’s Virgin Plus offers a $55/40GB Canada-USA plan but only in Quebec.

Downsides of Public Mobile? It still does not have Wi-Fi Calling support, unlike other carriers. Wi-Fi Calling lets you accept and make calls over Wi-Fi in areas with little to no cellular coverage. Also, Public Mobile does not have any international roaming options, as only Canada/USA is available.

Thanks Dennis!

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