Microsoft 365 Copilot AI Tool Pricing: $30 USD Per Month

Bing chat enterprise

Microsoft announced the launch of Bing Chat Enterprise yesterday and revealed pricing for Microsoft 365 Copilot as well.

The news follows the success of the AI-powered Bing search engine and the Microsoft 365 Copilot, which combines large language models with user data to reinvent the way people work. Who needs to think nowadays now that we have AI?

Since their unveilings, Bing and the Microsoft 365 Copilot have seen a surge in usage says Microsoft. Feedback from the Microsoft 365 Copilot Early Access Program has indicated that Copilot could revolutionize productivity in the workplace.

The first major announcement, Bing Chat Enterprise, is set to expand Bing’s reach by providing AI-powered chat for work. Over 160 million people already have access to this feature. Bing Chat Enterprise safeguards user and business data, providing confidence to organizations that their data will remain protected while using AI tools, says Microsoft.

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Bing Chat Enterprise is accessible at no extra cost to Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard and Business Premium customers and will eventually be available as a standalone service for $5 USD per user, per month.

The second announcement revealed the pricing for Microsoft 365 Copilot. It will be available to commercial customers for $30 USD (about $39.50 CAD) per user, per month. Copilot leverages existing Microsoft 365 security, privacy, identity and compliance policies, ensuring it is enterprise-ready.

Unlike other AI applications that focus on a single capability, Microsoft 365 Copilot is a comprehensive tool capable of handling a wide range of tasks. It’s grounded in business data, allowing it to generate updates from meetings, emails, chats, and more.

In addition to the above developments, Microsoft announced the rollout of Visual Search in Bing Chat. This feature enables users to upload images and search the web for related content. The feature is currently rolling out on desktop and the Bing mobile app, with plans to bring it to Bing Chat Enterprise in the future.

Enterprise customers willing to shell out $30 USD per user may see a production increase, as now there’s no excuse to come up with work, now that AI-powered Copilot will spit out answers in all Microsoft apps. Copilot is like ‘Clippy’ but on steroids and powered by AI.

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