Starbucks Testing ‘Scanless Checkout’ for Drive-Through Orders

Starbucks is conducting an internal trial of “scanless pay,” an innovative contactless checkout to streamline customer payments during drive-through visits, TechCrunch is reporting.

Starbucks iPhone in Canada

The coffee giant’s groundbreaking checkout approach employs the user’s geolocation via the Starbucks app to facilitate payments, eliminating the need for phone interaction.

While in the proof-of-concept stage for Starbucks employees, this initiative could revolutionize drive-through efficiency.

Presently, customers face the hassle of launching the app, displaying their barcode, and enduring scanning difficulties. With ‘scanless pay,’ employees can promptly deliver orders, expediting the process.

Although not currently available to the public, this advancement could boost Starbucks’ drive-through throughput and bottom line by accommodating more patrons swiftly.

Developer and researcher Steve Moser uncovered this advancement within the Starbucks mobile app, featuring “Scanless pay in the drive-through helps you get your order fast.”

This functionality uses location services to identify customers upon arrival, reducing wallet or device interaction.

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To use Starbucks scanless pay, simply enable it and check in via the app upon drive-through arrival. You then provide your name to the barista, making this an efficient interim step before collecting the order.

Starbucks’ pioneering history in payment solutions renders this experiment noteworthy. The company’s Mobile Order & Pay system significantly contributes to revenue, accounting for 74% of U.S. company-owned revenue in Q2 2023.

A Starbucks spokesperson highlighted their commitment to enhancing customer experiences through innovation, stressing an “effortless, delightful, and personalized experience.”

This innovation aligns with similar retail efforts; Amazon’s ‘Just Walk Out’ and ‘Amazon One’ technologies exemplify comparable trends, albeit with biometric concerns.

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