Cox Media Allegedly Listening to Users via Smart Devices to Target Ads

Cox Media Group’s marketing division has claimed it possesses the ability to capture ambient conversations through embedded microphones in devices like smartphones and smart TVs.

Cmg body

According to a review by 404 Media, this capability, referred to as “Active Listening,” allows CMG to gather data for ad targeting purposes.

The emergence of CMG’s technology implies the long-held public suspicion that smartphones eavesdrop for targeted advertising may indeed hold some truth in specific scenarios. It remains uncertain if CMG’s advertised capability is currently operational in consumer devices.

However, the company promotes it as a “marketing technique fit for the future, available today,” with representatives actively seeking interest in the product on LinkedIn.

CMG’s website, under CMG Local Solutions, touts the capability to target specific audiences through Active Listening, delivering ads across various platforms like streaming TV, audio, display, and search engines.


The exact method of data collection or whether it involves software development kits (SDKs) or other means remains undisclosed.

Apple notifies iPhone users when apps access the device’s microphone, but specifics about CMG’s methodology are unclear.

A marketing professional approached by CMG expressed concerns and disabled microphone access on personal devices following a call with the company.

CMG lists several partners, including Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, but these companies haven’t commented on their awareness or use of CMG’s alleged capability.

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