Google Roasts the iPhone Again in Latest Pixel 8 Pro Ad [VIDEO]

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In its latest #BestPhonesForever advertising campaign, Google has released a new ad that playfully highlights the superior capabilities of its Pixel 8 Pro, particularly the ‘Best Take’ feature, in comparison to Apple’s iPhone 14.

The ad, titled “Rough Night,” showcases a conversation between an iPhone and a Pixel phone, emphasizing the Pixel’s AI photography features that can be applied after taking a photo.

In the ad, the iPhone character says, “Big party last night. Tons of people. So many group shots.” It then complains about its photographic shortcomings: “And in every picture, somebody was blinking, or looking away.” The Pixel phone responds, “Oh, I’ve been there.”

The iPhone further expresses its frustration, “But I don’t have Best Take like you do, so I can’t combine everybody’s best takes into one shot.” The Pixel phone sympathizes, “Ah that is rough,” and suggests a solution, “You should have just sent me the pics, let me fix them.”

Highlighting the Pixel’s AI capabilities, the iPhone asks in surprise, “You. You can do that with your AI? Even if you didn’t take the pictures?” To which the Pixel confidently replies, “Totally.” The ad concludes with the iPhone humorously contemplating, “I think I’m gonna pur-, I think I’m gonna purge my iCloud.”

This playful exchange underscores the Pixel 8 Pro’s ‘Best Take’ feature, which allows users to seamlessly merge the best elements from a series of photos into one perfect image. No such feature exists on the iPhone, yet.

Check out the ad below:

YouTube video

Google’s series of #BestPhonesForever ads are pretty hilarious and take some fun jabs at the iPhone, but don’t go as far as Samsung’s previous ads that insulted iPhone users.

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