Stories by Gary Ng

iPhone FAQ’s: Your Emails Answered!

As you can probably see on the top of my blog, I have a Contact Me page. Ever since I started this iPhone blog in December of 2007, the number of emails I have received have increases everyday. Sometimes the questions ask about a specific problem with an iPhone, or some ask about my opinion...

Pocket Guitar: Guitar Hero on the iPhone!

...well not really, but it very well could be the closest thing! If you haven't installed this by now, you need to do it ASAP! This is one of my favorite 3rd party applications for the iPhone. It's called Pocket Guitar and it's been available for the past little while on Installer. Pocket Guitar plays...

iJailbreak: 1.1.3 Firmware Update via WiFi with Installer!

**Looking to protect your iPhone? Get military-grade protection with the InvisibleShield!** Jeez, just when you thought updating your iPhone to 1.1.3 firmware couldn't get any easier, it gets even better with the recently released, iJailbreak! This 1.1.3 firmware update/jailbreak is possible without a computer, as the entire process takes place online via WiFi! That's right--you...

Confirmed: StealthSIM Works with 1.1.3 Update

For those who ordered a StealthSIM from iPhoneTheSolution, or are using a StealthSIM in general, this will be some good news heading your way. I just received an email from iPhoneTheSolution that iPhones on 1.1.2 can safely update to 1.1.3 firmware--using the new 1.1.3 jailbreak by NateTrue (do NOT update via iTunes!). So if you...

Official Dev Team 1.1.3 Jailbreak Released!

Seems like someone has opened the floodgates, because in the past few days we've received a number of 1.1.3 jailbreaks. The first was "unofficially" released by NateTrue--now (as some of you forum lurkers may have already found out about), we have the "official" release of the 1.1.3 jailbreak by the iPhone Dev Team! What makes...

Changes Coming to Rogers Data Plans?

There has been some buzz lately that changes are coming to Rogers' data plans. This includes prices and features, according to some of the online forums out there. Could this be a hint that they are preparing for the launch of the iPhone? It is an interesting theory, but I'm not going to get into...

How to Add NES ROMS to Your iPhone

 **Protect your iPhone investment with the military-grade InvisibleShield! Read my review!** So, how is your iPhone experience so far in Canada going? I'm currently with Rogers and I know lots of other friends that have iPhones too. If you want to make your iPhone tricked out with a really cool app, then you should have...

List of Sources for Installer (AppTapp)

If you have your iPhone jailbreaked and unlocked, you should have Installer on your iPhone. Now, if you want to get the latest applications, you must ensure that your list of sources are working and that they can be trusted. Here is a list of sources for Installer that you can cross reference with your...

iPhone 1.1.3 Jailbreak Released!

Nate True, part of the iPhone Dev Team has released the iPhone 1.1.3 jailbreak! In order for this 1.1.3 jailbreak to work, you must start with an existing jailbreaked 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 iPhone! This release currently is for Windows users only, with a Mac version coming later. Let's get into what is involved with this...

Winner of My StealthSIM 1.1.2 OTB Unlock Giveaway!

Looking to unlock your 1.1.2 OTB iPhone? Well, you're going to need a "SIM" solution, and if you've been a reader of my blog, you most likely entered my StealthSIM Giveaway/Contest (plus a Rogers SIM)! The contest exceeded my expectations and generated a lot of buzz. I had over 85 entries and I entered all...

How to Increase Your iPhone Speaker Volume by 100%

One of the problems with the iPhone I find (along with many others) is the less than stellar speaker volume. I know 1.1.1 was supposed to address this issue, and some have tried the 3rd party software route of AudioAmp, but none of those methods have made a significant change. I am going to tell...

How to Identify 1.1.2 iPhone Firmware from an Apple Store

***Enter my StealthSIM contest by posting a comment! Contest ends at midnight tonight!*** **Looking to protect your precious iPhone? Read my review of the InvisibleShield!** I've received a few emails asking about whether or not 1.1.3 firmware iPhones have hit the store shelves in US Apple stores. Well, what I can tell you is that...