Samsung Challenges Apple in Race for Noninvasive Glucose Monitoring Tech

Samsung is intensifying efforts to develop noninvasive health monitoring, including continuous blood pressure checking and glucose monitoring, in a competitive race with Apple (via Bloomberg).


Health tracking is already a crucial aspect of devices, with Samsung aiming to provide a comprehensive well-being picture through body and home sensors.

Samsung’s Hon Pak, overseeing the initiative, sees the potential breakthroughs in continuous blood pressure tracking and noninvasive glucose monitoring as game-changers. The company aims to invest significantly in these areas, though Pak refrained from providing a specific timeline.

The recent announcement of the Galaxy Ring with health sensors aligns with Samsung’s commitment to health features. The product, set for release in 2024, targets users preferring a more comfortable and less obtrusive health tracking option compared to traditional smartwatches.

Pak emphasized Samsung’s focus on addressing specific needs, mentioning the ring’s appeal to those wanting an alternative to watches. While pricing for the Galaxy Ring is yet to be finalized, it is unlikely to be compatible with Apple’s iPhone.

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Developing a noninvasive blood sugar monitor poses challenges, but Samsung eyes major rewards. The company acknowledges the obtrusive nature of current products and aims to revolutionize health tracking. Apple, a key competitor, has been working on a similar concept since 2010.

Blood pressure monitoring is also under scrutiny. Samsung is exploring options to improve its smartwatches’ blood pressure features for constant monitoring without frequent calibration.

Apple is also planing to add hypertension detection to its smartwatch, focusing on cardiovascular risk assessment.

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