Apple to Allow EU App Downloads from Developer Websites

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Apple announced some big changes to its app distribution policies, allowing developers in the European Union (EU) more flexibility, including the ability to distribute iOS apps directly from their websites. This move marks a notable shift in Apple’s approach to app distribution within the EU.

Under the new Alternative Terms Addendum for Apps in the EU, developers now have several options. They can distribute their apps through alternative app marketplaces, which can offer a catalogue of apps exclusively from the developer of the marketplace.

Also, developers can direct users to external webpages for payments involving digital goods or services. Here, they have the freedom to design promotions, discounts, and other deals independently, with Apple’s previously provided design templates now being optional. This means transactions can take place outside of the App Store, which is big news.

A key feature of this policy change is the debut of Web Distribution. Coming via a software update later this spring, it will allow authorized developers to distribute their iOS apps directly to EU users from their own websites.

Apple will provide these developers with access to APIs necessary for integrating apps with system functionality, backing up and restoring user apps, and more.

These changes are part of Apple complying with the Digital Markets Act in the EU. As for everyone else, it’s still business as usual in the App Store.

Part of these changes will also bring back Fortnite to the iPhone, but only in the EU (that is if Apple doesn’t ban Epic’s developer account again).

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