Stories by Gary Ng

Urbanspoon Updated With Augmented Reality “Scope” View

A while back there was much hype regarding 'augmented reality' on the iPhone and other smartphones. Well, it seems like we now have some live apps demonstrating this. One of our favourites, Urbanspoon has now been updated to include a new 'augmented reality' Scope view. Urbanspoon Can Now Scope Out Your Neighbourhood for Good Eats...

Bell iPhone Coming November 4th? Telus Soon After?

Whenever there are announcements of iPhones being sold by anyone or any place, rumors always start flying. Bell and Telus officially announced they would be selling the iPhone in Canada to compete with Rogers. However, both companies have not specified any dates on when their iPhones will launch. Bell and Telus both have pre-registration pages...

Apple Blocks iPhone 3GS Jailbreak on Latest Devices

Uh oh. It looks like the constant battle of "cat and mouse" between Apple and iPhone hackers has taken a turn in favour of Apple. According to some tweets, users are reporting that newly shipped iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3G units can no longer be jailbroken. According to MuscleNerd via twitter, it's the first...

blackra1n for Mac Download Now Available!

Last week we finally saw the anticipated release of blackra1n, the all in one jailbreak for all iPhones and iPod Touches. Well, as promised by GeoHot, he has finally made a Mac version of blackra1n and it is now available for download. If you're a PC user, you probably read Rory Piper's tutorial on blackra1n...

PwnageTool 3.1.4 Download Released by Dev Team!

Good morning! We have some exciting news this early Tuesday! It looks like the iPhone Dev Team has been hard at work once again! They have just released PwnageTool 3.1.4 (Mac only) which will let you create a custom 3.1.2 firmware, allowing your iPhone to stay unlocked! Here's a quick summary of their most recent...

Will Rogers Allow Skype Over Data Network like AT&T?

Happy Thanksgiving to every single one of our readers out there--hope you enjoy your day and take some time to think about what you're thankful for (aside from the iPhone). How many of you out there are avid Skype users? You were probably excited to hear about Skype launching for the iPhone--except for Canada. Well,... For the iPhone Review

It's always handy to have your iPhone camera around when a pictures needs to be taken. But when it comes to photo editing on the iPhone, most of the decent apps are paid. What about free photo editing apps? If you've been waiting for one, be sure to take a look at the iPhone...

Waterfield Designs: iPhone Smart Case Review

We all love our iPhones, and want to keep them looking at nice as they did when we pulled them out of the box.  We've seen reviews of skins like the invisibleShield for the people who like to keep the form of their iPhone intact.  Another option is the sleeve style case from Waterfield Designs...

Telus iPhone, Bell iPhone, or Rogers iPhone?

Just hearing that title sounds quite strange doesn't it? Given that Rogers has dominated the iPhone landscape in Canada since introducing the iPhone 3G in 2008, and the iPhone 3GS in 2009, it's going to get crowded now that Telus and Bell are joining the fray. Rumors Become a Reality: Telus and Bell Will Sell...

Why No iTunes Credit Towards App Purchases in Canada?

Canada seems to be always a step behind our American counterparts when it comes to transactions related to electronics or online purchases. Take for example, how Canada was one of the last countries to get the Skype for iPhone app. Or how Canada was recently shut out from the latest Amazon Kindle launch. Canada Seems...

How Google Maps Live Traffic Works: Crowdsourcing

Remember when we posted about the Live Traffic feature in Google Maps going "live" in Canada? This feature is pretty darn awesome, and many people have been wondering how the service actually works to find all the busy hot spots. The answer is quite simple, according to the Official Google Blog. Google wrote about this...