
Bad News: Rogers Extends HUP From 12 to 24 Months!

Are you on a contract with Rogers? If you are, after 12 months you are eligible for a Hardware Upgrade Plan (HUP), which means you can upgrade to a new phone. The amount of your discount towards a new handset is based on the annual amount of your cellphone bill (I was unable to use...

Update: March Voice and Data plans for iPhone 3G

Hey all! Before we begin, I just want to mention that X1Zero's Corner will be adding a few extra days this week and next to the posting schedule. So don't get confused thinking it's Sunday in the middle of the week when you see my posts. :) However, Sunday posts will still continue as normal....

February Voice and Data plans for iPhone 3G

Hey all! Before the month is up, I thought to post something regarding voice and data plans for the iPhone 3G. I know one of the most burning questions regarding the iPhone 3G is what is the best plan for the phone, so I hope the following information can shed some light on that. Before...

Review: “Echo” Mirror Screen Protector by Proporta

Hey all! Congrats to "James" and "Rick K" for being the winners of the Gel-Shellz contest!! Today we are going to give a little love to our iPhone (first-gen) owners! We have a review of the "Echo" made by Proporta and it is a Mirrored Screen Protector for the original iPhone. Echo by Proporta The...

TiltaFun: Coming Soon to an iPhone Near You

A new iPhone game is coming out from On The Rocks Productions and from what I've seen so far from the previews it looks like a lot of fun. The game is called TiltaFun and is a simple game that takes full advantage of the iPhone's sensors to create an intuitive gaming experience. Tiltafun is...

Rogers Releases New iPhone Data Value Packs

If you were an early adopter of the iPhone 3G in Canada then you paid the price with the original Rogers' value and data packs. Well, it looks like Rogers has quietly introduced a couple new data value packs that apply to the iPhone 3G and any other cellphone. Here are the details of the...

Fido to Stop Selling the iPhone 3G in 2009?

Currently the only way to get an iPhone 3G in Canada legitimately is through Rogers, and their newly minted discount carrier, Fido. However, that could soon change as the word on the internetz is that Fido will stop selling the iPhone 3G starting in 2009. According to Kidrock23 from HowardForums, the rumor is that with...

iPhone 3G on Rogers/Fido = Missed Calls on 3G Network

For the past week or so, I've experienced a very strange phenomenon with my iPhone 3G on Rogers. A couple nights ago I received the "new voicemail" indicator sound/buzz and it took me by surprise. Why? Well, because I didn't hear nor receive an incoming call prior! At first I thought I was crazy. But...

Rogers Removing System Access Fee? Cheaper iPhone Bill Soon?

For those that signed up for an iPhone 3G, your bill statement after calculating your monthly plan, data plan, taxes, 911 emergency fee, and the dreaded System Access Fee (SAF) could be close to almost $100 per month. Owning an iPhone 3G can be expensive if you're on a data plan and subscribed to a...

Review: “Xtand” for iPhone & iPhone 3G

Hey all! Before we get to todays post, I would like to congratulate the winners of last weeks "Case-Mate" case give-aways! Congratulations to "Shriya" who scored a brand-new Red Case-Mate Signature Case and to "Stephane" who scored the ever popular Case-Mate Carbon Fiber Case! Enjoy!! Now on to your originally scheduled programming..... Today's post will...

Rogers Sold 255,000 iPhones in Third Quarter 2008

Can you imagine life without the iPhone? Remember the time when cellphones were only used to make "telephone calls"? Those days are over as the iPhone has revolutionized the way we view cellphones. They are now have integral parts of our busy lives, making things better (or worse). When Rogers announced they were going to...

Extend your iPhone 3G Warranty with Honesty

Most early adopters of the iPhone 3G had to sign onto a 3 year contract (including yours truly. What does this mean? Well, it means hopefully your iPhone 3G will survive three years of accidental drops, scratches, and scuffs (not if you have an invisibleSHIELD installed though!). The iPhone's warranty is one year from Apple....